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Los medicamentos enviados desde Canada* son dispensados por:
Candrug Pharmacy
Pharmacy Manager:
Carol Hou

Direccion de la Farmacia:
202A, 8322-130th Street
Surrey, BC, Canada
V3W 8J9
Toll Free:1-866-604-0663

(*No todas las prescripciones son dispensadas por Candrug Pharmacy.)

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Prescriptions Dispensed from Canada are Dispensed by: Candrug Pharmacy, ID#18985 604-543-8711. Pharmacy Manager: Carol Hou
This pharmacy is duly licensed in the province of British Columbia, Canada by the College of Pharmacists of BC. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact the college at: 200-1765 West 8th Ave Vancouver, BC V6J 5C6 Canada.

All rights reserved © 2008-2024 Medicinas Online Canada

In addition to having your prescriptions dispensed from our affiliated Canadian dispensing pharmacy, your medications are also dispensed from international pharmacies and fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies in their respective countries. MedicinasOnineCanada.com works with fulfillment centers in a variety of countries including but not limited to Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Turkey, Mauritius, India, and the United Kingdom.
All prices are in US dollars.